Technical Assistance - Support to Jaspers/EIB - Improvement of the National Transport Model for Bulgaria


The overall objective of this assignment is for a consultant to support JASPERS in assisting the MTITC with the upgrade of the national transport model for Bulgaria to a quality which would be sufficient to serve for the justification of transport projects.

The purpose of the MTITC update of the National Transport Model is to ensure that it complies with the requirements for the justification of major projects under OP Transport and Transport Infrastructure 2014-2020 co-financing. The update will also support the pipeline of projects for which the country will seek EU co-financing in the coming years.

Following the review of the existing Model, of the available traffic and of other data,the asssignment consists of following:

  • specific advice on updating the National Transport Model in order to ensure its compliance with the applicable EU requirements and best practices in this area, with a view to expand its use across the transport sector;
  • general advice, as appropriate, on the collection of road traffic and mobility data, including specific recommendation on data collection methodologies, the institutional setup, the use of ITS in this process, etc.

The Assignment will focus on the following areas:

  • Review of the existing National Transport Model and identification of areas that require further developments;
  • Ad-hoc assistance in the upgrading, calibration, validation and improvement of the Model in the form of reports, working notes, as well as verbal communication;
  • Review of the upgraded National Transport Model and an assessment of its suitability for short-term, medium term and long term transport planning;
  • Recommendations on how to improve the procedures of collection of traffic and other data needed for the preparation, update, calibration and validation of transport models.

The project started in March 2020 and has a total duration of 9 months.

Sustainable Urban Transport Plan for City of Belgrade

T-MODE as a associate of CEP Belgade has been awarded a contract for development of Sustainable Urban Transport Plan for City of Belgrade (SUTP). The Client, Secretariat of Transport of city of Belgrade has launchedthe project with main objective to reduce the metropolitan emissions in the City of Belgrade by improving the public transport scheme, reinforce the participation of cyclists in the traffic and provide the policy framework for sustainable urban transport development of Belgrade.

The project is intended to significantly improve the transport management infrastructure and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while supporting the environment friendly development of Belgrade. The project involves the civil sector and allow for a joint approach to the solution of the problems related to the sustainable management of transport. The project aims to allow Serbia to mainstream environmental issues into its transport management infrastructure and help the country to meet its commitments to United Nations Framework Conference on Climate Change, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the increased use of sustainable transport modes, as well as non-motorized modes such as walking and bicycling.

The project started in March 2019 and has a total duration of 20 months.

Transport model for the Capital area of Reykjavik

T-MODEis shortlisted as partner in the consortium with Verkis (Island) and Multiconsult (Norway) for the Transport model for the Capital area of Reykjavik. The contracting authority expects that with this new Transport Model for the Capital area (SLH) more precise analyses are gained and accordingly a better foundation for decision making regarding planning and transport matters than today. The contracting authority expects that the Transport Model for the Capital area - SLH is going to be used to analyse the following:

  • BRT lines (Borgarlína) – passenger numbers, optimization of travel time, routeplanning
  • Bus routes – passenger numbers, optimization of travel time, routeplanning
  • Development plans - both larger and smallerplans
  • Implementing network for all modes oftravel
  • Modechoice
  • Key routes forbicycling
  • Closing of streets androads
  • New streets/pathways/busroutes
  • Simple climatecalculations
  • Assess road tolls and theireffect
  • As a platform for socio-economicanalyses

The intended start date is in July 2019 and the period of implementation of the contract will be 6 months from the starting date.

Support to JASPERS – technical assistance for the improvement of NCARI’s national road transport model for Romania

In December 2017, NCARI commissioned a consultancy assignment to upgrade its National Road Transport Model (“NCARI’s model”) maintained by the technical and scientific unit of NCARI – CESTRIN. The work of NCARI’s Consultant focused on importing data from the earlier GTMP model, improving the transport network, and calibrating the model for 2015 as the base year – this way transforming the multimodal four-step GTMP model into a road assignment model. The Romanian authorities have requested support from JASPERS in the process of finalizing NCARI’s model. In providing such support, JASPERS employed a specialised transport modelling expert. T-MODE has been awarded a contract for this consultancy service.

The main objective of JASPERS’ Consultant was to assist NCARI/CESTRIN in the process of preparing a functional and robust national road assignment model, compliant with the requirements for justification of projects for co-financing under LIOP. Under the assignment JASPERS’ Consultant has reviewed model’s main initial assumptions, reviewed the original demand forecasting methodology, provided ongoing advice to NCARI’s Consultant on model development, reviewed the upgraded model, and provided proposals regarding the further model development.

The assignment is completed in May 2019.

National Transport Plan for Greece

T-MODE as sub-contractor of Consortium EGIS, SYSTEMA developed transport modell and transport master plan of Greece.

The National Transport Plan for Greece – NTPG is a consultancy project awarded under the Framework agreement to support European Investment Bank’s Advisory Services (EIBAS) activities inside and outside EU-28. This technical support project is funded by the European Union and implemented by EIB in cooperation with the European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service.

The primary objective of the Project is to provide the basis for sustainable transport infrastructure and service development in Greece over the medium to long term, which will contribute to the competitiveness of the transport sector of the country.

The National Transport Plan for Greece is a key policy document which will define the transport sector development strategy for the next 20 years and will support Greece’s economic development. It will also determine the main actions that may receive financial support from International Financing Institutions and donors, especially EU and EIB. Thus, it requires a well-defined and justified Strategy, which will be endorsed by all stakeholders.

The project started on the 15th of May 2017 and has a total duration of 22 months.