T-MODE is a consulting firm based in Belgrade, Serbia, established in 2014, which focuses on transport planning & management. We offer a wide range of professional services to clients across all transport modes and infrastructure, in both passenger and freight transport, as well as sustainable urban transport development, such as:

  • Multimodal transport models
  • Transport master plans
  • Urban transport models
  • Traffic surveys
  • Demand Forecast and modeling
  • Public Transport studies
  • Parking, pedestrian and cycling studies
  • Traffic impact assessments
  • Policy development and assessment on urban transport networks development
  • Intermodal, freight transport and logistics
  • Road infrastructure and transport
  • Railways and rail transport
  • Land Use Planning
  • Urban and Architectural Design

Having a strong track record in studies ranging from strategic development and evaluation to transport systems development and operation studies, T-MODE is bringing the high level of professionalism, experience, as well as flexibility.

Our company is fully-owned by its employees, securing our ability to provide independent advice.